पुंसां किलैकान्तधियां स्वकानां
या: सम्पदो दिवि भूमौ रसायाम् ।
न राति यद्‌द्वेष उद्वेग आधि-
र्मद: कलिर्व्यसनं सम्प्रयास: ॥

puṁsāṁ kilaikānta-dhiyāṁ svakānāṁ
yāḥ sampado divi bhūmau rasāyām |
na rāti yad dveṣa udvega ādhir
madaḥ kalir vyasanaṁ samprayāsaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 6.11.22)

“To persons of one-pointed mind who are his own, he certainly does not bestow the riches which are [found] in Heaven, on Earth, or in Rasā, and from which enmity, fear, anxiety, conceit, quarrel, plight, and exertion ensue.”


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