दिग्दृष्टिदीधितिस्वर्गवज्रवाग्बाणवारिषु ।
भूमौ पशौ च गोशब्दो विद्वद्भिर्दशसु स्मृतः ॥

dig-dṛṣṭi-dīdhiti-svarga-vajra-vāg-bāṇa-vāriṣu |
bhūmau paśau ca go-śabdo vidvadbhir daśasu smṛtaḥ ||
(Halāyudha; cited in the Amṛta-tīkā on Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa: 1581)

“The word go is considered by the wise in ten senses: (1) direction (diś), (2) eye [alt., sense] (dṛṣṭi), (3) ray of light (dīdhiti), (4) Svarga, (5) thunderbolt (vajra), (6) speech [alt., Sarasvatī Devī] (vāc), (7) arrow (bāṇa), (8) water (vāri), (9) earth [alt., place] (bhūmi), and (10) cow [alt., animal, or, living being] (paśu).”


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