
sarvāparādha-kṛd api mucyate hari-saṁśrayaḥ

sarvāparādha-kṛd api mucyate hari-saṁśrayaḥ |
harer apy aparādhān yaḥ kuryād dvipada-pāṁsanaḥ ||
nāmāśrayaḥ kadācit syāt taraty eva sa nāmataḥ |
nāmno’pi sarva-suhṛdo hy aparādhāt pataty adhaḥ ||
(Padma Purāṇa; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 11.518–520; Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.119-120; Bhakti Sandarbha: 265, 273)

“[Śrī Sanat-kumāra to Śrī Nārada:] Even one who has committed all [types of] offenses (aparādhas) [i.e., sins in general] is delivered [from the consequences of those sins] by taking shelter of Hari, and a reprobate among the two-legged who shall commit offenses (aparādhas) even to Hari verily overcomes [the consequences of those offenses] on account of the name [of Hari] should he at any time take shelter in the name. As a result of offense even to the name [of Hari], the well-wisher of all, [however,] one certainly falls down.”

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ta eva niyamāḥ sākṣāt ta eva ca yamottamāḥ

ta eva niyamāḥ sākṣāt ta eva ca yamottamāḥ |
tapo dānaṁ vrataṁ yajño yena tuṣyaty adhokṣajaḥ ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 8.16.61)

“That by which Adhokṣaja [i.e., Bhagavān] is satisfied is indeed directly the regulation (niyama), and that is indeed the best rule (yama), austerity (tapas), charity (dāna), rite (vrata), and sacrifice (yajña).”

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anabhyāsena vidyānām asaṁsargeṇa dhīmatām

anabhyāsena vidyānām asaṁsargeṇa dhīmatām |
anigraheṇa cākṣāṇāṁ jāyate vyasanaṁ nṛṇām ||

“The plight [alt., addictions, vices, depravity, misfortune, distress, etc.] of human beings arises from a lack of practice of knowledge [i.e., a lack of adherence to the education they receive], a lack of association with the wise, and a lack of restraint of the senses.”

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yathā hemni sthito vahnir

yathā hemni sthito vahnir durvarṇaṁ hanti dhātu-jam |
evam ātma-gato viṣṇur yoginām aśubhāśayam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 12.3.47)

“As fire set upon gold removes discoloration caused by metals, so Viṣṇu situated in the mind [removes] the inauspicious thoughts of yogīs.”

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kṛṣṇonmukhaṁ svayaṁ yānti

kṛṣṇonmukhaṁ svayaṁ yānti yamāḥ śaucādayas tathā |
ity eṣāṁ ca na yuktā syād bhakty-aṅgāntara-pātitā ||
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.261)

“The restraints (yamas) and cleanliness and so on [i.e., the niyamas] come of their own accord to those who are intent upon Kṛṣṇa. Therefore, they are not fit to be included among the limbs of [uttama-] bhakti.”

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