sarvāparādha-kṛd api mucyate hari-saṁśrayaḥ
sarvāparādha-kṛd api mucyate hari-saṁśrayaḥ |
harer apy aparādhān yaḥ kuryād dvipada-pāṁsanaḥ ||
nāmāśrayaḥ kadācit syāt taraty eva sa nāmataḥ |
nāmno’pi sarva-suhṛdo hy aparādhāt pataty adhaḥ ||
(Padma Purāṇa; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 11.518–520; Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 1.2.119-120; Bhakti Sandarbha: 265, 273)
“[Śrī Sanat-kumāra to Śrī Nārada:] Even one who has committed all [types of] offenses (aparādhas) [i.e., sins in general] is delivered [from the consequences of those sins] by taking shelter of Hari, and a reprobate among the two-legged who shall commit offenses (aparādhas) even to Hari verily overcomes [the consequences of those offenses] on account of the name [of Hari] should he at any time take shelter in the name. As a result of offense even to the name [of Hari], the well-wisher of all, [however,] one certainly falls down.”