ahaṁ kilendro devānāṁ tvaṁ gavām indratāṁ gataḥ
ahaṁ kilendro devānāṁ tvaṁ gavām indratāṁ gataḥ |
govinda iti lokās tvāṁ gāsyanti bhuvi śāśvatam ||
(Hari-vaṁśa: 2.16.54; cited in Laghu Bhāgavatāmṛta: 1.5.76)
“[Indra to Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] I am certainly the Indra of the devas, and you are present [here] as the Indra of the cows. Thus, the people on the earth will always sing of you as [being, alt., having the name] Govinda.”