Bhaviṣyottara Purāṇa

ācāra eva dharmasya mūlaṁ rājan kulasya ca

ācāra eva dharmasya mūlaṁ rājan kulasya ca |
ācārād vicyuto jantur na kulīno na dhārmikaḥ ||
(Bhaviṣyottara Purāṇa; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa 3.17)

“O King, ācāra (conduct) is the source of dharma and of nobility. A person devoid of ācāra is neither noble nor dharmic.”

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tasmāt sadaiva viduṣāvahitena rājan

tasmāt sadaiva viduṣāvahitena rājan
śāstrodito hy anudinaṁ paripālanīyaḥ ||
(Bhaviṣyottara Purāṇa; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa 3.19)

“Therefore, O King, ācāra (conduct) as described in śāstra should always be fully observed daily with attention by the wise.”

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ācāra-prabhavo dharmaḥ santaś cācāra-lakṣaṇāḥ

ācāra-prabhavo dharmaḥ santaś cācāra-lakṣaṇāḥ |
sādhūnāṁ ca yathā vṛttaṁ sa sad-ācāra iṣyate ||
tasmāt kuryāt sad-ācāraṁ ya icched gatim ātmanaḥ |
sarva-lakṣaṇa-hīno’pi samudācāravān nṛpa |
śraddadhāno’nasūyaś ca sarvān kāmān avāpnuyāt ||
(Bhaviṣyottara Purāṇa; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa 3.15–16)

“The source of dharma is ācāra (conduct), and sādhus are characterized by ācāra. The behavior of sādhus is called sadācāra. Therefore, one who desires one’s own good fortune should engage in sadācāra. O King, even if devoid of all [other] characteristics, one who has excellent ācāra (sadācāra), is endowed with śraddhā, and is free from envy can fulfill all one’s desires.”

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prema-bhaktau yadi śraddhā mat-prasādaṁ yadīcchasi

prema-bhaktau yadi śraddhā mat-prasādaṁ yadīcchasi |
tadā nārada bhāvena rādhāyārādhako bhava ||
(Bhaviṣyottara Purāṇa; cited in Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 189)

[Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] “O Nārada, if you have śraddhā in prema-bhakti and you desire my grace, then with bhāva become a worshiper of Rādhā.”

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