Bhaviṣya Purāṇa

niyamāt phalam āpnoti na śreyo niyamaṁ vinā

niyamāt phalam āpnoti na śreyo niyamaṁ vinā ||
(Bhaviṣya Purāṇa; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 15.464)

“One attains the result on account of the vow [i.e., the resolution (saṅkalpa) to perform a given vrata or sevā]. Without the vow, no auspicious result comes about.”

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saṅketāvasare cyute praṇayataḥ saṁsajjayā rādhayā

saṅketāvasare cyute praṇayataḥ saṁsajjayā rādhayā
prārabhya bhrū-kuṭiṁ hiraṇya-raśanā-dāmnā nibaddhodaram |
kārttikyāṁ jananī-kṛtotsava-vara-prastāvanā-pūrvakaṁ
cāṭūni prathayan tam ātta-pulakaṁ dhyāyema dāmodaram ||
(Bhaviṣya Purāṇa: Uttara-khaṇḍa; cited in the Sāraṅga-raṅgadā-ṭīkā on Kṛṣṇa-karṇāmṛta: 110)

“When he missed the time of a tryst [planned for the full moon night in the month of Kārttika, and arrived late], fully prepared Rādhā, out of praṇaya [lsy., intimate love], first furrowed her brows and then bound him around the belly with the band of her golden girdle. When he coaxed her, explaining he had been at the commencement of the grand festival conducted by his mother for Kārttika, she released him. Let us meditate on Dāmodara, seized by horripilation [upon being bound and released by his beloved Rādhā].”

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