
athāṅga-rājād avatārya cakṣur yāhīti janyām avadat kumārī

athāṅga-rājād avatārya cakṣur yāhīti janyām avadat kumārī |
nāsau na kāmyo na ca veda samyag-draṣṭuṁ na sā bhinna-rucir hi lokaḥ ||
(Raghu-vaṁśa: 6.30)

“Then, lowering her eyes from King Aṅga, the girl said to her mother’s friend, ‘Please go.’ It was not that he was not desirable, and it was not that she did not know how to see properly; people are just of varied taste.”

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athāṅga-rājād avatārya cakṣur yāhīti janyām avadat kumārī Read on →

sa śuśruvān mātari bhārgaveṇa

sa śuśruvān mātari bhārgaveṇa
pitur niyogāt prahṛtaṁ dviṣadvat |
pratyagṛhīd agraja-śāsanaṁ tat
ājñā gurūṇāṁ hy avicāraṇīyā |
(Raghu-vaṁśa: 14.46; cited in Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.10.145)

“Hearing that at his father’s direction Paraśurāma struck his mother like an enemy, he [i.e., Lakṣmaṇa] accepted the command of his elder brother [i.e., Rāma], since the order of elders is not to be deliberated upon.”

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vāg-arthāv iva sampṛktau

vāg-arthāv iva sampṛktau vāg-artha-pratipattaye |
jagataḥ pitarau vande pārvatī-parameśvarau ||

“I offer obeisance to Pārvatī and Parameśvara [Śiva], the parents of the world, who are united like speech and [its] meaning, for [gaining] understanding of speech and [its] meaning [or, to understand the meaning of the Veda].”

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