
bhidyate bhrātaro dārāḥ pitaraḥ suhṛdas tathā

bhidyate bhrātaro dārāḥ pitaraḥ suhṛdas tathā |
ekāsnigdhāḥ kākiṇinā sadyaḥ sarve’rayaḥ kṛtāḥ ||
arthenālpīyasā hy ete saṁrabdhā dīpta-manyavaḥ |
tyajanty āśu spṛdho ghnanti sahasotsṛjya sauhṛdam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.23.20–21)

“[Even] United and greatly affectionate brothers, wives, parents, and friends are all immediately turned into enemies and divided by twenty cowries [i.e., even by an extremely small amount of money]. For even a small amount of wealth, they quickly become disturbed, inflamed, and inimical, reject one another, give up their affection, and destroy one another.”

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