
liṅgyate jñāyate’neneti liṅgaṁ cihnam ity arthaḥ

liṅgyate jñāyate’neneti liṅgaṁ cihnam ity arthaḥ | tac ca liṅgam īśvara-paribhāṣito dharma iti tasya svabhāva-siddhatā | tataś ca liṅgānāṁ prakṛti-vācyatvam eva nyāyatvam |
(Amṛta-ṭīkā on Hari-nāmāmṛta-vyākaraṇa: 924)

“That by which something is indicated, that is, known, is a liṅga, that is, a characteristic. This is the meaning. Furthermore, its [i.e., a liṅga’s] establishment in the nature [of an object, i.e., its being innate in an object] is because a liṅga is a quality assigned by Īśvara. Thus also, nature being that which is to be expressed by liṅgas is indeed appropriate.”

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liṅgyate jñāyate’neneti liṅgaṁ cihnam ity arthaḥ Read on →

mānādhīnā meya-siddhir māna-siddhis tu lakṣaṇāt

mānādhīnā meya-siddhir māna-siddhis tu lakṣaṇāt |
(Cited in Mādhavācārya’s Jaiminīya-nyāya-mālā-vistara: 1.1.37)

“Establishment of an object of knowledge (meya—prameya) is dependent on a [valid] means of knowing (māna—pramāṇa), and establishment of a means of knowing (māna—pramāṇa) is based on a defining characteristic (lakṣaṇa) [i.e., it is by perception of the defining characteristic(s) of an object that its can presence can be determined].”

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mānādhīnā meya-siddhir māna-siddhis tu lakṣaṇāt Read on →

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