Kulaśekhara Ālvāra

yat kṛtaṁ yat kariṣyāmi tat sarvaṁ na mayā kṛtam

yat kṛtaṁ yat kariṣyāmi tat sarvaṁ na mayā kṛtam |
tvayā kṛtaṁ tu phala-bhuk tvam eva madhusūdana ||
(Attributed to some editions of the Mukunda-mālā-stotram)

“All that I have done and that I shall do is not done by me, but rather done by you, and you alone are the enjoyer of the fruit, O Madhusūdana!”

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divi vā bhuvi vā mamāstu vāso

divi vā bhuvi vā mamāstu vāso
narake vā narakāntaka prakāmam |
caraṇau te maraṇe’pi cintayāmi ||
(Mukunda-mālā-stotram: 8; cited in Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.5.29)

“O Destroyer of Naraka! Let my residence be in the sky [i.e., Svarga], or on earth, or in Naraka, as so willed. Even at death, I shall think of your feet, by which [even] autumnal lotuses are surpassed.”

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