मुण्डे मुण्डे मतिर्भिन्ना कुण्डे कुण्डे नवं जलम् ।
देशे देशे नवाचारो मुखे मुखे नवा वाणी ॥

muṇḍe muṇḍe matir bhinnā kuṇḍe kuṇḍe navaṁ jalam |
deśe deśe navācāro mukhe mukhe navā vāṇī ||
(Vāyu Purāṇa)

“From shaved head to shaved head, the understanding is different; from pond to pond, the water is new; from country to country, the conduct is new; and from mouth to mouth, the speech is new.”

Alternate version

मुण्डे मुण्डे मतिर्भिन्ना कुण्डे कुण्डे नवं पयः ।
जातौ जातौ नवाचारो नवा वाणी मुखे मुखे ॥

muṇḍe muṇḍe matir bhinnā kuṇḍe kuṇḍe navaṁ payaḥ |
jātau jātau navācāro navā vāṇī mukhe mukhe ||

“From shaved head to shaved head, the understanding is different; from pot to pot, the milk is new; from class to class, the conduct is new; and from mouth to mouth, the speech is new.”


Diversity is an inherent part of human society and the natural environment. We do well to be accepting of it and adjust ourselves as appropriate.


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