
harir deha-bhṛtām ātmā

harir deha-bhṛtām ātmā svayaṁ prakṛtir īśvaraḥ |
tat-pāda-mūlaṁ śaraṇaṁ yataḥ kṣemo nṛṇām iha ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 4.29.50)

“Hari is the Ātmā and Īśvara of [all] embodied beings, as he himself [i.e., independently] is the origin [of them all]. [Thus,] The soles of his feet are the shelter because of which all human beings’ preservation occurs here [i.e., in this world].”

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harir deha-bhṛtām ātmā Read on →

labdhveha mānuṣīṁ yoniṁ

labdhveha mānuṣīṁ yoniṁ jñāna-vijñāna-sambhavām |
ātmānaṁ yo na buddhyeta na kvacit kṣemam āpnuyāt ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 6.16.58)

“Having attained a human form, which has the potential for jñāna [i.e., knowledge based on śāstra] and vijñāna [i.e., direct perception of reality], one who is not able to understand the ātmā [i.e., the jīva and the Parameśvara] cannot [alt., can never] attain weal anywhere [i.e., in any condition of human life, no matter how well endowed with wealth, power, etc.].”

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