kahahu bhagati patha kavana prayāsā |
joga na makha japa tapa upavāsā ||
sarala subhāva na mana kuṭilāī |
jathā lābha saṁtoṣa sadāī ||
mora dāsa kahāi kara nara āsā |
kara-i tau kahahu kahā bisvāsa ||
bahuta kaha-u̐ kā kathā baḍhai |
ehi ācarana basya maiṁ bhāi ||
(Rāma-carita-mānasa: 7.45.1–2)
[Rāma addressing an assembly at his court:] “Tell me, on the path of bhakti, what is the exertion [i.e., what is so troublesome]? There is no yoga, sacrifice (yajña), japa, austerity, or fasting. [Rather,] there is [just] sincere disposition, non-crookedness of mind, and always being satisfied with whatever is obtained. If someone says they are my servant but places their hope in men, then tell me, where is their faith [i.e., what faith do they really have in me]? I have said so much, and what is the use of prolonged discussion? [Simply] This conduct [i.e., the aforementioned conduct of being sincere, non-deceitful, satisfied, and fully faithful to me] captivates me, O brother!”
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