atha nāmāparādhā daśa

atha nāmāparādhā daśa, yathā—vaiṣṇava-nindādi-vaiṣnavāparādhaḥ; viṣṇu-śivayoḥ pṛthag-īśvara-buddhiḥ; śrī-gurudeve manuṣya-buddhiḥ; veda-purāṇādi-śāstra-nindā; nāmni arthavādaḥ; nāmni kuvyākhyā vā kaṣṭa-kalpanā; nāma-balena pāpe pravṛttiḥ; anya-śubha-karmabhir nāma-sāmya-mananam; aśraddha-jane nāmopadeśaḥ, nāma-māhātmye śrute’py aprītiḥ—iti daśadhā |
(Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu-bindu: 7)

The ten offenses to the name are as follows:
(1) Offending a Vaiṣṇava, that is, defaming a Vaiṣṇava and so forth;
(2) Considering Viṣṇu and Śiva to be separate Īśvaras [i.e., considering Śiva or any other devatā to be an Īśvara independent of Bhagavān Viṣṇu;
(3) Considering śrī gurudev a human being [i.e., not a manifestation of Bhagavān];
(4) Defaming the Vedas, Purāṇas, and other śāstras;
(5) Adulation in regard to the name;
(6) Misinterpretation or far-fetched imagination in regard to the name;

(7) Engaging in sin on the strength of the name [i.e., attempting to make use of the name as a means to purify oneself of intentionally committed sins];
(8) Considering [chanting] the name equal to other pious karmas;
(9) Instructing faithless persons about the name; and
(10) Lacking affinity for the name even after hearing of the name’s greatness.

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