
vyāmohāya carācarasya jagatas te te purāṇāgamās

vyāmohāya carācarasya jagatas te te purāṇāgamās
tāṁ tām eva hi devatāṁ paramikāṁ jalpantu kalpāvadhi |
siddhānte punar eka eva bhagavān viṣṇuḥ samastāgama-
vyāpāreṣu vivecana-vyatikaraṁ nīteṣu niścīyate ||
(Padma Purāṇa: 5.97.27; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 1.107; Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu: 2.4.142; Laghu-bhāgavatāmṛta: 1.2.53; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.20.142)

“Let the various Purāṇas and Āgamas chatter about the [supposed] supremacy of various devatās for the sake of deluding the world of moving and stationary beings to the end of the kalpa. When, however, the expressions of all the Āgamas are brought into conjoint examination, then, in accord with their siddhānta, one alone, Bhagavān Viṣṇu, is ascertained [to be supreme].”

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mantra-hīnaṁ kriyā-hīnaṁ bhakti-hīnaṁ janārdana

mantra-hīnaṁ kriyā-hīnaṁ bhakti-hīnaṁ janārdana |
yat pūjitaṁ mayā deva paripūrṇaṁ tad astu me ||
(Āgama-śāstra; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 8.427)

“[Although] Deficient in mantras, deficient in performance, and deficient in bhakti, O Janārdana, O Deva, may that by which you have been worshipped by me be fully complete [i.e., sufficient in satisfying you].”

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yathā siddha-rasa-sparśāt tāmraṁ bhavati kāñcanam

yathā siddha-rasa-sparśāt tāmraṁ bhavati kāñcanam |
sannidhānād guror evaṁ śiṣyo viṣṇumayo bhavet ||
(Āgama-śāstra; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 237)

“As copper turns into gold at the touch of quicksilver, so a disciple becomes absorbed in [devotion to] Viṣṇu as a result of being in the company of guru.”

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