madhu puṣpa-rasaṁ sūdayati khaṇḍayatīti madhusūdanaḥ
madhu puṣpa-rasaṁ sūdayati khaṇḍayatīti madhusūdanaḥ |
(Unknown source)
“One who destroys, that is, takes away, madhu, that is, the nectar of flowers, is [called] madhusūdana.
madhu puṣpa-rasaṁ sūdayati khaṇḍayatīti madhusūdanaḥ |
(Unknown source)
“One who destroys, that is, takes away, madhu, that is, the nectar of flowers, is [called] madhusūdana.
madhu-klībañ ca mādhvīke kṛta-karma-śubhāśubhe |
bhaktānāṁ karmaṇāñ caiva sūdanaṁ madhusūdanam ||
pariṇāmāśubhaṁ karma bhrāntānāṁ madhuraṁ madhu |
karoti sūdanaṁ yo hi sa eva madhusūdanaḥ ||
(Brahma-vaivarta Purāṇa; cited in Śabda-kalpa-druma)
“In the name Madhusūdana, madhu in neuter gender refers to honey-wine and to auspicious and inauspicious karma that has been performed, and sūdana refers to the karmas of bhaktas. He who performs the destruction (sūdana) of madhu, that is, the [sometimes initially] ‘sweet’ results of the inauspicious karma of the ignorant is [called] Madhusūdana.”