
tvan-māyā-racite loke

tvan-māyā-racite loke vastu-buddhyā gṛhādiṣu |
bhramanti kāma-lobherṣyā-moha-vibhrānta-cetasaḥ ||
adya naḥ sarva-bhūtātman kāma-karmendriyāśayaḥ |
moha-pāśo dṛḍhaś chinno bhagavaṁs tava darśanāt ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 9.8.25–26)

“Those whose minds are bewildered by kāma, greed, envy, and delusion wander about their houses and elsewhere in this plane made by your māyā with the mentality that it is real [i.e., that the world of their present experience is of ultimate importance]. O Ātmā of all beings! O Bhagavān! Today the strong rope of our bewilderment, which is the seat of kāma, karma, and the senses, has been cut by your darśana.”

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ta etad adhigacchanti

ta etad adhigacchanti viṣṇor yat paramaṁ padam |
ahaṁ mameti daurjanyaṁ na yeṣāṁ deha-geha-jam ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 12.6.33)

“They who do not have the ill-naturedness of ‘I’ and ‘mine’ based on the body and the home proceed to [alt., realize] this supreme abode of Viṣṇu.”

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