
tat karma yan na bandhāya sā vidyā yā vimuktaye

tat karma yan na bandhāya sā vidyā yā vimuktaye |
āyāsāyāparaṁ karma vidyānyā śilpa-naipuṇam ||
(Viṣṇu Purāṇa: 1.19.41)

“[Prahlāda Mahārāja to Hiraṇyakaśipu:] Action is that which does not lead to bondage. Knowledge is that which leads to liberation [from bondage]. Action otherwise leads to hardship, and knowledge otherwise is [mere] proficiency in a craft.”

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upāsanīyaṁ yatnena śāstraṁ vyākaraṇaṁ mahat

upāsanīyaṁ yatnena śāstraṁ vyākaraṇaṁ mahat |
pradīpa-bhūtaṁ sarvāsāṁ vidyānāṁ yad avasthitam ||
(Unknown Source)

“The great śāstra of vyākaraṇa, which remains fixed as the lamp of all [other] vidyās, is to be studied with exertion.”

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śrīr guṇā nairapekṣyādyāḥ sukhaṁ duḥkha-sukhātyayaḥ

śrīr guṇā nairapekṣyādyāḥ sukhaṁ duḥkha-sukhātyayaḥ |
duḥkhaṁ kāma-sukhāpekṣā paṇḍito bandha-mokṣa-vit ||
(Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 11.19.41)

“[Kṛṣṇa to Uddhava:] Embellishment is qualities beginning with indifference [i.e., and not crowns and so forth]. Happiness is overcoming [worldly] suffering and happiness [i.e., and not mere worldly enjoyment]. Suffering is regard for the pleasure of sense objects [i.e., and not being burned in a fire, etc.]. A paṇḍita is one knows bondage and liberation [i.e., and not simply one who is knowledgeable or explains śāstra].”

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vibhūtiḥ tyāga-hīna iva satya-hīna iva bhārati

vibhūtiḥ tyāga-hīna iva satya-hīna iva bhārati |
vidyā praśama-hīna iva na bhāti strī patiṁ vinā ||
(Rāmāyaṇa Mañjarī: Ayodhyā)

“Like wealth without giving, speech without truth, and learning without tranquility, a lady does not shine without her husband.”

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kṛṣṇa-kṛpā vine nahe duḥkhera mocana

kṛṣṇa-kṛpā vine nahe duḥkhera mocana |
thākila vā vidyā kula koṭi koṭi dhana ||
(Caitanya-bhāgavata: 1.7.138)

“Without Kṛṣṇa’s grace, deliverance from suffering does not occur, even if one has learning, nobility, or crores and crores of wealth.”

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yadā kiñcij-jño’haṁ dvipa iva madāndhas samabhavaṁ

yadā kiñcij-jño’haṁ dvipa iva madāndhas samabhavaṁ
tadā sarvajño’smīty abhavad avaliptaṁ mama manaḥ |
yadā kiñcit kiñcid budhajana-sakāśād avagataṁ
tadā mūrkho’smīti jvara iva mado me vyapagataḥ ||
(Nīti-śatakam: 8)

“When I had a little knowledge
and became blinded with pride
like an elephant [in rut],
then my mind became arrogant,
as I thought, ‘I know everything.’
When I understood a little something from wise persons,
then I thought, ‘I am a fool,’
and my pride faded away like a fever.

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dīnere adhika dayā kare bhagavān

dīnere adhika dayā kare bhagavān |
kulīna, paṇḍita, dhanīra baḍa abhimāna ||
(Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 3.4.68)

”Bhagavān bestows greater grace upon the humble. The noble, learned, and wealthy have great pride.”

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avaśendriya-cittānāṁ hasti-snānam iva kriyā |
durbhagābharaṇa-prāyo jñānaṁ bhāraḥ kriyāṁ vinā ||
(Hitopadeśa: Mitra-lābha, 18)

“The practice of those who are of uncontrolled senses and mind is like the bathing of an elephant, and without practice knowledge is for the most part a burden like an ornament on an unfortunate woman [i.e., a widow].”

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na dhanaṁ na janaṁ na sundarīṁ

na dhanaṁ na janaṁ na sundarīṁ
kavitāṁ vā jagad-īśa kāmaye |
mama janmani janmanīśvare
bhavatād bhaktir ahaitukī tvayi ||
(Śikṣāṣṭakam: 4; cited in Padyāvalī 94; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 3.20.29)

“O Master of the universe,
I desire neither wealth,
Nor men [i.e., assistants, followers, relatives, etc.],
Nor beautiful women [i.e., an excellent wife],
Nor erudition [i.e., intellectual prowess or recognition thereof],
Or otherwise [i.e., mukti].
In birth after birth, O Īśvara,
Let me have unconditional bhakti to you.”

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