vikāra-hetau sati vikriyante
vikāra-hetau sati vikriyante
yeṣāṁ na cetāṁsi ta eva dhīrāḥ |
(Kumāra-sambhava: 1.59)
“Only they whose minds are not disturbed [even] in the presence of causes of disturbance are dhīra (sagacious).”
vikāra-hetau sati vikriyante
yeṣāṁ na cetāṁsi ta eva dhīrāḥ |
(Kumāra-sambhava: 1.59)
“Only they whose minds are not disturbed [even] in the presence of causes of disturbance are dhīra (sagacious).”
purāṇam ity eva na sādhu sarvaṁ
na cāpi kāvyaṁ navam ity avadyam |
santaḥ parīkṣyānyatarad bhajante
mūḍhaḥ para-pratyaya-neya-buddhiḥ ||
(Mālavikāgnimitra: 1.2)
“Not all [poems] are good because they are ancient. And a poem is not contemptible because it is modern. The wise examine and favor either of the two [according to their respective merit]. The fool is he whose intellect has to be led by the convictions of others.”
vāg-arthāv iva sampṛktau vāg-artha-pratipattaye |
jagataḥ pitarau vande pārvatī-parameśvarau ||
“I offer obeisance to Pārvatī and Parameśvara [Śiva], the parents of the world, who are united like speech and [its] meaning, for [gaining] understanding of speech and [its] meaning [or, to understand the meaning of the Veda].”