gaura-prabhoḥ prema-vilāsa-bhūmau
gaura-prabhoḥ prema-vilāsa-bhūmau
niṣkiñcano bhaktivinoda-nāma |
ko’pi sthito bhakti-kuṭīra-koṣṭhe
smṛtvāniśaṁ nāma-guṇaṁ murāreḥ ||
(Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura; a verse of his own engraved in the wall of his “Bhakti-kuṭī” in Śrī Purī Dhāma)
“In the land of the prema-līlā of Gaura Prabhu,
Some possessionless person (niṣkiñcana) named Bhaktivinoda
Is situated in the inner room of this ‘Bhakti-cottage’ (kuṭī),
Continuously remembering
The names and qualities of Murarī.”
gaura-prabhoḥ prema-vilāsa-bhūmau Read on →