ब्रह्मचर्येण संतिष्ठेदप्रमादेन मस्करी ।
दर्शनं स्पर्शनं केलिः कीर्तनं गुह्यभाषणम् ॥
संकल्पोऽध्यवसायश्च क्रियानिवृत्तिरेव च ।
एतन्मैथुनमष्टाङ्गं प्रवदन्ति मनीषिणः ॥
विपरीतं ब्रह्मचर्यमनुष्ठेयं मुमुक्षुभिः ।
यज्जगद्धासकं भानं नित्यं भाति स्वतः स्फुरत् ॥

brahmacaryeṇa saṁtiṣṭhed apramādena maskarī |
darśanaṁ sparśanaṁ keliḥ kīrtanaṁ guhya-bhāṣaṇam ||
saṅkalpo’dhyavasāyaś ca kriyā-nivṛtttir eva ca |
etan maithunam aṣṭāṅgaṁ pravadanti manīṣiṇaḥ ||
viparītaṁ brahmacaryam anuṣṭheyaṁ mumukṣubhiḥ |
(Kaṭharudra Upaniṣad: 8.9–11)

“A sannyāsī (maskarī) should observe brahmacarya with vigilance. Looking, touching, playing [alt., joking], mentioning, conversing privately, fancying, pursuing, and completion of the act [itself]—the wise say these are the eight aspects of intercourse. The opposite [of these eight], brahmacarya, is to be practiced by seekers of mukti.”


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