बिभ्रद्वर्णं किमपि दहनोत्तीर्णसौवर्णसारं
दिव्याकारं किमपि कलयन्दृप्तगोपालमौलेः ।
आविष्कुर्वन्क्वचिदवसरे तत्तदाश्चर्यलीलां
साक्षाद्राधामधुरिपुर्वपुर्भाति गौराङ्गचन्द्रः ॥

bibhrad varṇaṁ kim api dahanottīrṇa-sauvarṇa-sāraṁ
divyākāraṁ kim api kalayan dṛpta-gopāla-mauleḥ |
āviṣkurvan kvacid avasare tat-tad-āścarya-līlāṁ
sākṣād rādhā-madhuripur-vapur bhāti gaurāṅgacandraḥ ||
(Caitanya-candrāmṛta: 109)

“Bearing some [i.e., some sort of indescribable] complexion resembling smelted gold, exhibiting some [i.e., some sort of indescribable] divine [i.e., wondrous] figure of the foremost of radiant cowherds, and on some [i.e., some special] occasions revealing some of his [i.e., that cowherd’s] astonishing līlās, the manifest form of Rādhā and Madhu-ripu [i.e., Kṛṣṇa]—the moon Gaurāṅga—shines.”


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