
gaṅgā pāpaṁ śaśī tāpaṁ dainyaṁ kalpa-tarur haret

gaṅgā pāpaṁ śaśī tāpaṁ dainyaṁ kalpa-tarur haret |
pāpaṁ tāpaṁ ca dainyaṁ sadyaḥ sādhu-samāgamaḥ ||
(Garga-saṁhitā: 10.62.9)

“The Gaṅgā removes sin, the moon suffering [alt., heat], and the desire-tree dejection [i.e., poverty]. Meeting with a sādhu [however] immediately removes sin, suffering, and dejection.”

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bhaktyā kṛṣṇasya rājendra prasādaṁ caraṇodakam

bhaktyā kṛṣṇasya rājendra prasādaṁ caraṇodakam |
ye gṛhṇanti bhaveyur bhū-pāvanā nātra saṁśayaḥ ||
(Garga-saṁhitā: 10.62.8)

“O best of kings, those who partake of Kṛṣṇa’s prasādam and foot-water with bhakti become purifiers of the earth. Of this there is no doubt.”

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tvaṁ sākṣāt kṛṣṇacandrasya paripūrṇatamasya ca

tvaṁ sākṣāt kṛṣṇacandrasya paripūrṇatamasya ca |
goloke go-gaṇair yukte gopī-gopāla-saṁyute ||
tvaṁ hi govardhano nāma vṛndāraṇye virājase |
tvaṁ no girīṇāṁ sarveṣāṁ giri-rājo’si sāmpratam ||
namo vṛndāvanāṅkāya tubhyaṁ goloka-mauline |
pūrṇa-brahmātapatrāya namo govardhanāya ca ||
(Garga-saṁhitā: 2.2.13–5)

[The Himālayas praise Govardhana as he descends to the earth:] “You are known as Govardhana and you reside in Goloka, replete with the cows, cowherd men, and cowherd women of the Suprememost Being Kṛṣṇacandra. You are now the king of all of us mountains. Obeisance and obeisance unto you, the lap of Vṛndāvana, the crown of Goloka, and the umbrella of the Supreme Brahman.”

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sa kiṁ guruḥ sa kiṁ tātaḥ

sa kiṁ guruḥ sa kiṁ tātaḥ sa kiṁ putra sa kiṁ sakhā |
sa kiṁ rājā sa kiṁ bandhur na dadyād yo harau matim ||
(Garga-saṁhitā: 10.62.11)

“One who shall not focus his mind on Hari—is he a guru? Is he a father? Is he a son? Is he a friend? Is he a king? Is he a relative?”

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jñātiṁ vidyāṁ mahattvaṁ ca

jñātiṁ vidyāṁ mahattvaṁ ca rūpaṁ yauvanam eva ca |
yatnena parivarjeta pañcaite bhakti-kaṇṭakaḥ ||
(Garga-saṁhitā: 10.62.7)

“Kinsmen, learning, greatness, beauty, and youth—carefully elude these five impediments [lit., “thorns”] to bhakti.”

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