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Read on →: mātṛdevo bhava
mātṛdevo bhava |
pitṛdevo bhava |
ācāryadevo bhava |
atithidevo bhava |
(Taittirīya Upaniṣad: 11.2)“Be one for whom one’s mother is Deva. “Be one for whom one’s father is Deva. “Be one for whom one’s ācārya is Deva. “Be one for whom one’s guest is Deva.”
Read on →: vaiṣṇavānāṁ parā-bhaktir
vaiṣṇavānāṁ parā-bhaktir ācāryāṇāṁ viśeṣataḥ |
pūjanaṁ ca yathā-śakti tān āpannāṁś ca pālayet ||
(Nārada Pañcarātra; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 2.137)“One should have great bhakti for the Vaiṣṇavas, and for the ācāryas in particular. One should worship them as one is able and protect them [when they are] in difficulty.”
Read on →: ācinoti yaḥ śāstrārtham
ācinoti yaḥ śāstrārtham ācāre sthāpayaty api |
svayam ācarate yasmād ācāryas tena kīrtitaḥ ||
(Vāyu Purāṇa)“One who grasps the meaning of the śāstra, establishes it in practice [i.e., teaches and engages others in practicing it], and personally practices it [in one’s own life] is renowned as an ācārya.”
Read on →: upanīya tu yaḥ śisyaṁ
upanīya tu yaḥ śiṣyaṁ vedam adhyāpayed dvijaḥ |
sa-kalpaṁ sa-rahasyaṁ ca tam ācāryaṁ pracakṣate ||
(Manu Smṛti: 2.40)“A twice-born, however, who can confer the upanayana saṁskāra and teach a disciple the Veda along with its rites and its mysteries is called an ācārya.”