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  • svādhikāraṁ nirīkṣyaiva karma kuryād atandritaḥ |
    (Padma Purāṇa: 6.283.38)

    “One free from laziness should engage in action only after having considered one‘s eligibility (adhikāra).”

    Read on →: svādhikāraṁ nirīkṣyaiva

  • antaḥsāra-vihīnānām upadeśo na jāyate |
    malayācala-saṁsargān na veṇuś candanāyate ||
    (Mahāsubhāṣita-saṅgraha: 1604; Cāṇakya-nīti-darpaṇa: 10.8)

    “Instruction should not be given to those who lack inner substance. Bamboo does not become sandalwood [just] by proximity to the Malaya Mountains.”

    Read on →: antaḥsāra-vihīnānām upadeśo na jāyate

  • antaḥsāra-vihīnānāṁ sahāyaḥ kiṁ kariṣyati |
    malaye’pi sthito veṇur veṇur eva na candanaḥ ||
    (Mahāsubhāṣita-saṅgraha: 1603)

    “What can a companion [alt., assistant] do for those who lack inner substance? Even bamboo situated in the Malayas is just bamboo and not sandalwood.”

    Read on →: antaḥsāra-vihīnānāṁ sahāyaḥ kiṁ kariṣyati

  • sei kṛṣṇa sei gopī—parama virodha |
    acintya-caritra prabhura—ati sudurbodha ||
    (Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 1.17.304)

    “He is Kṛṣṇa, and he is a gopī [i.e., Rādhā]—this is completely contradictory. Prabhu’s character is inconceivable—it is extremely difficult to understand.”

    Read on →: sei kṛṣṇa sei gopī—parama virodha

  • jñānaṁ viśuddhaṁ paramārtham ekam
    anantaraṁ tv abahir brahma satyam |
    pratyak praśāntaṁ bhagavac-chabda-saṁjñaṁ
    yad vāsudevaṁ kavayo vadanti ||
    (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 5.12.11)

    “The wise say that satya [i.e., reality] is completely pure consciousness [i.e., consciousness beyond the guṇas]—the supreme object [i.e., that from which mokṣa and so forth are attained]—singular [i.e., non-dual] and without interior and without exterior [i.e. all-pervading]; [it is known as] Brahman [i.e., the complete and undifferentiated object sought by jñānīs]; [it is known as] that which is [situated] in the interior [of all living beings] and tranquil [i.e., the Paramātmā, sought by yogīs]; [that which is] identified by the term Bhagavān [by bhaktas], and [known to be] Vāsudeva [i.e., is ultimately Śrī Kṛṣṇa, the son of Vāsudeva.”

    Read on →: jñānaṁ viśuddhaṁ paramārtham ekam

  • ithe tarka kari keho nā kara saṁśaya |
    kṛṣṇera acintya-śakti ei-mata haya ||
    (Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 1.17.305)

    “No one should engage in argument and foster doubt in this regard. Kṛṣṇa’s inconceivable śakti is like this.”

    Read on →: ithe tarka kari keho nā kara saṁśaya

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