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Read on →: śry-advaita namas tubhyaṁ
śry-advaita namas tubhyaṁ kali-jana-kṛpā-nidhe |
gaura-prema-pradānāya śrī-sītā-pataye namaḥ ||
(Unknown source)“O Śrī Advaita!
Obeisance and obeisance unto you,
The ocean of grace for the people of Kali,
The bestower of prema for Gaura,
The husband of Śrī Sītā.”
Read on →: sad-bhaktāli-niṣevitāṅghri-kamalaṁ kundendu-śuklāmbaraṁ
sad-bhaktāli-niṣevitāṅghri-kamalaṁ kundendu-śuklāmbaraṁ
śuddha-svarṇa-ruciṁ subāhu-yugalaṁ smerānanaṁ sundaram |
śrī-caitanya-dṛśaṁ varābhaya-karaṁ premāṅga-bhūṣāñcitam
advaitaṁ satataṁ smarāmi paramānandaika-kandaṁ prabhum ||
(Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 51; cited in Sādhanāmṛta-candrikā: 2.13)“The lotuses of his feet served by the bees of pure bhaktas,
His cloth kunda and moon white,
His luster pure gold,
His arms superlative,
His smiling face beautiful,
His sight on Śrī Caitanya,
His hands in [the mudrās of] benediction and refuge,
His figure adorned with the ornaments of prema—
I continuously meditate on Advaita Prabhu, the sole root of the highest bliss.”
Read on →: nistāritāśeṣa-janaṁ dayāluṁ
nistāritāśeṣa-janaṁ dayāluṁ
premāmṛtābdhau parimagna-cittam |
caitanya-candrādṛtam arcitaṁ tam
advaita-candraṁ śirasā namāmi ||
(Gaura-govindārcana-smaraṇa-paddhati: 22)“I offer obeisance with my head unto him, Advaitacandra, the gracious deliverer of countless persons, whose heart is completely submerged in the ocean of the nectar of prema, and who is honored and worshipped by Caitanyacandra.”