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Read on →: vaiṣṇavānāṁ parā-bhaktir
vaiṣṇavānāṁ parā-bhaktir ācāryāṇāṁ viśeṣataḥ |
pūjanaṁ ca yathā-śakti tān āpannāṁś ca pālayet ||
(Nārada Pañcarātra; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 2.137)“One should have great bhakti for the Vaiṣṇavas, and for the ācāryas in particular. One should worship them as one is able and protect them [when they are] in difficulty.”
Read on →: ācinoti yaḥ śāstrārtham
ācinoti yaḥ śāstrārtham ācāre sthāpayaty api |
svayam ācarate yasmād ācāryas tena kīrtitaḥ ||
(Vāyu Purāṇa)“One who grasps the meaning of the śāstra, establishes it in practice [i.e., teaches and engages others in practicing it], and personally practices it [in one’s own life] is renowned as an ācārya.”
Read on →: upanīya tu yaḥ śisyaṁ
upanīya tu yaḥ śisyaṁ vedam adhyāpayed dvijaḥ |
sa-kalpaṁ sa-rahasyaṁ ca tam ācāryaṁ pracakṣate ||
(Manu Smṛti: 2.40)“A twice-born, however, who can confer the upanayana saṁskāra and teach a disciple the Veda along with its rites and and its mysteries is called an ācārya.”
Read on →: muṇḍe muṇḍe matir bhinnā
muṇḍe muṇḍe matir bhinnā kuṇḍe kuṇḍe navaṁ jalam |
deśe deśe navācāro mukhe mukhe navā vāṇī ||
(Vāyu Purāṇa)“From shaved head to shaved head, the understanding is different; from pond to pond, the water is new; from country to country, the conduct is new; and from mouth to mouth, the speech is new.”