The Latest

  • karmaṇaḥ sākṣāt-sāmmukhya-rūpa-jñāna-bhakty-udaya-paryantatvāt svayam eva tābhyāṁ nyakkāraḥ | tatra sākṣāt-sāmmukhye ca nirviśeṣa-sāmmukhyaṁ jñānam | saviśeṣasyāpi tattvasya bhagavattvaṁ paramātmatvaṁ ceti mukhyam āvirbhāva-dvayam iti saviśeṣa-sāmmukhya-rūpāyā bhaktes tu mukhyaṁ bheda-dvayaṁ bhagavan-niṣṭhatvaṁ paramātma-niṣṭhatvaṁ ceti |
    (Bhakti Sandarbha: 176)

    “Because of karma’s extending [only] up to the appearance of jñāna or bhakti, that is, the [two] forms of direct intentness (sākṣāt-sāmmukhya) [upon the Para-tattva], discarding [of karma] by them [i.e., by jñāna and bhakti] occurs of its own accord [i.e., automatically once jñāna or bhakti come about]. Therein, furthermore, among the two [forms of] direct intentness [upon the Para-tattva] (sākṣāt-sāmmukhya), intentness (sāmmukhya) upon the unqualified (nirviśeṣa) [aspect of the Para-tattva] is [called] jñāna. The Qualified (saviśeṣa) Tattva also has two primary manifestations, Bhagavān-ness (Bhagavattva) and Paramātmā-ness (Paramātmatva), and thus bhakti, the nature of which is intentness (sāmmukhya) upon the qualified (saviśeṣa) [aspect of the Para-tattva], has two primary divisions: fixity upon Bhagavān and fixity upon Paramātmā.”

    Read on →: karmaṇaḥ sākṣāt-sāmmukhya-rūpa-jñāna-bhakty-udaya-paryantatvāt

  • tasmād avaidikānāṁ ca devānām arcanaṁ tyajet |
    svatantra-pūjanaṁ yatra vaidikānām api tyajet ||
    arcayitvā jagad-vandyaṁ devaṁ nārāyaṇaṁ harim |
    tad-āvaraṇa-saṁsthānaṁ devasya parito’rcayet ||
    harer bhuktāvaśeṣeṇa baliṁ tebhyo viniḥkṣipet |
    homaṁ caiva prakurvīta tac-cheṣeṇaiva vaiṣṇavaḥ ||
    (Padma Purāṇa: 6.253.104-7; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha: 285)

    “Therefore, furthermore, one should reject worship of non-Vedic devas, and one should reject independent worship even of the Vedic [devas]. After worshiping the Deva honorable to the [entire] world [i.e., the Deva worthy of the worship even of all the other devas], that is, Nārāyaṇa, Hari, one should worship the multitude of entourages around the Deva. A Vaiṣṇava should present them [i.e., these aprākṛta devatās of Vaikuṇṭha present at the yogapīṭha] an offering with Hari’s food remnants and make an oblation [for them] only with his remnants.”

    Read on →: tasmād avaidikānāṁ ca devānām arcanaṁ tyajet

  • na kāmaye’nyaṁ tava pāda-sevanād
    akiñcana-prārthyatamād varaṁ vibho |
    ārādhya kas tvāṁ hy apavargadaṁ hare |
    vṛṇīta āryo varam ātma-bandhanam ||
    (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.51.56)

    “[Mucukunda to Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] O Vibhu, I desire no boon other than the service of your feet—that which is most worthy to be prayed for by the detached. O Hari, after worshiping you, the bestower of apavarga [i.e., bhakti], what wise person would choose a boon [that is a cause] of bondage of the self?”

    Read on →: na kāmaye’nyaṁ tava pāda-sevanād

  • akāmaḥ sarva-kāmo vā mokṣa-kāma udāra-dhīḥ |
    tīvreṇa bhakti-yogena yajeta puruṣaṁ param ||
    (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 2.3.10; cited in Hari-bhakti-vilāsa: 11.575; Tattva Sandarbha: 30; Bhakti Sandarbha: 31, 98, 115, 121, 165, 216; Prīti Sandarbha 216; Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.22.36, 24.85, 24.191)

    “Whether desireless, desirous of everything, or desirous of mokṣa, one of great intelligence should worship the Supreme Puruṣa with strong bhakti-yoga.”

    Read on →: akāmaḥ sarva-kāmo vā

  • satyaṁ diśaty arthitam arthito nṛṇāṁ
    naivārtha-do yat punar arthitā yataḥ |
    svayaṁ vidhatte bhajatām anicchatām
    icchā-pidhānaṁ nija-pāda-pallavam ||
    (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 5.19.26; cited in Bhakti Sandarbha 98, Caitanya-caritāmṛta: 2.22.40, 2.24.199)

    “It is true that Prabhu bestows, when requested, the requested object of human beings, but he is certainly not munificent [just] by means of that since [thereafter] they again become requesters [of something else once the object which he has already bestowed upon them has been enjoyed, found to be ultimately unfulfilling, and left the requester with still unsatisfied desirousness]. [Thus,] He of his own accord bestows his own bud-like feet upon worshippers who are undesirous [of his feet] which are covering of [i.e., fulfilling and quelling of all] desires.”

    Read on →: satyaṁ diśaty arthitam arthito nṛṇāṁ

  • tan naḥ samādiśopāyaṁ yena te caraṇābjayoḥ |
    smṛtir yathā na viramed api saṁsaratām iha ||
    (Śrīmad Bhāgavatam: 10.73.15)

    “[Kings pray to Bhagavān Śrī Kṛṣṇa:] Please indicate aptly that means by which remembrance of your lotus feet shall not cease even for us, who are transmigrating here.”

    Read on →: tan naḥ samādiśopāyaṁ yena te caraṇābjayoḥ

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